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Animal Art

As CooperToons' animal art has elicited both the highest of praise and the most vituperative of spittle flinging criticism, a separate section seems warranted. The postings are, of course, a subset of all CooperToons - quote - "serious" - unquote - art.


   Pelicans on Pylons - Acrylic    Spider Monkeys - Acrylic    Elephants - Acrylic    Bald Eagle    Saddleback Pigs    Wolf    Peregrine Falcon    Peregrine Falcon    Peccaries    Snow Leopard    Meerkat    Meerkat    Orangutan    Ankole Watusi Cow    Buffalo - American Bison    Rhinoceros - Pastel    Barred Owl    Black Lab    Howler Monkey    Four Pelicans    Four Pelicans    Gorilla    Gorilla    Lion and Lioness    Orange and Pink Pig - Color Block Print    Longhorn Cattle    White Tiger    White Tiger    African Lion - Male - Illustration    African Lion - Male    White Faced Saki Monkeys    Norristown Giraffes    Peeking Hippopotamus    Emerald Toucanet    Pig - After Rembrandt    Pelican Pastel    Modern Art Gorilla - Pastel    Bob White Quails    Sleepy Pig    Many Pigs    Rhinoceros - Pastel Sketch    Pigs Block Print - Reverse Line and Block Intaglio    Chimpanzee Woodcut Monotype    Pig Color Linocut Print    Gorilla Oil Painting    Outdoor Pig    Camel Statue    Gorilla Pastel    Gorilla Sketch    Gorilla Photograph - Retouch    Two Rhinoceros - Polymer Clay    Sleeping Cat - Oil Painting    rhinocerosstonelithographthumb.jpg    Ceramic Cow with Oak Horns    Gorilla Stone Lithograph    Gorilla Aluminum Lithograph    Gorilla Block Print    Metal Sculpture - Giraffe    Cermic Bison - Oxide Patina    Cermic Bison - Oxide Patina    Gorilla Sketch    Porcelain:  Unglazed and Glazed    Porcelain Pigs in a Row    Big and Little Hippos - Terracotta    White Lioness Unglazed English Porcelain    Gorilla Unglazed English Porcelain    Unfired Porcelain Lioness    Chimpanzee Sketches    Ceramic Buffalo - Bison    Two Ceramic Elephants with Ceramic Tusks    Ceramic Rhinoceros    Ceramic Elephant with Ebony Tusks    Hippopotamus Clay Sculpture    Cape Buffalo Ceramic Sculpture    Glazed Ceramic Pigs    Two Giraffes - Pastel    Cat Dry Point Print    Baby and Mama Giraffes    Polar Bear    Ostrich    Polar Bear    Portrait of Rose / Pig Portrait    Giraffe Wax Maquette    Gilded Pig    Camel    Elephant Drawing    Plaster Pig    Thoughtful Baboon    Two Bronze Elephants    Heroic Bronze Pig - No Patina    Elephants (Wax Model)    Gorilla    Heroic Pigs    Aligator Sketch - Pastels    Pig and Piglets - Clay Models    Two Elephants    Wax Pigs Composition    Heroic Pig    Cat Sketches    Pig - Clay Model    Bronze Casting - Trois Vaches Dans La Boue    Calf Bronze Study    Trixie the Guide Dog    Masai Cows    Sleeping Bronze    Cat and Bird Bronze    Sam, the Boston Terrier    Dr. John Marshall Franklin, III    Bubba the Poodle    Prairie Dog    Giraffes    Bird    Sleeping Cat #2    Sleeing Cat    Modern Art:  Is God a Penguin?    Animal Charcoal Study