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Frank Yerby

Frank Yerby
"This novel touches upon only two issues which, in a certain sense, might be called controversial: Whether any man truly has the right to believe fanciful and childish nonsense; and whether any organization has the right to impose, by almost imperial fiat, belief in things that simply are not so."
- Frank Yerby, 1968.

The quote above from Frank Yerby, one of the most widely read and successful authors of the mid-to-late 20th century, was in the forward to one of his historical novels. Although the novel was about a specific time in history, the reader can easily apply it a wide variety of philosophies, circumstances, and events. Such as ...

Well, never mind.

And of course, you've heard of Frank Yerby.

Ha? (To quote Shakespeare.) You haven't?

Well, then, for more about Frank, his quote, and his undoubted literary importance, just click here.