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Ian Fleming
Arthur Conan Doyle,

and the

King's   English

Ian Fleming

Ian Fleming
Learning the Patois

Ian Fleming

Sir Arthur
Leaving No Word Out

In times gone past Sherlock Holmes has been named as the "most popular" or "most enduring" character in English literature. Certainly stories about Holmes have gone well beyond the four novels and fifty-six short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle1. Movies and television shows abound albeit sometimes adapted to the contemporary settings of the scriptwriters2.

But a leading competitor for the most popular (or at least most depicted) spot - in English media if not literature - is James Bond. James Bond appears in fourteen books by Ian Fleming and at this writing in 26 others by later authors who were given the Good Housekeeping Stamp of Bondian Approval3.

What is amazing - at least to vintage Bond fans - is how many Bond aficionados have never read the books4. And - we must admit - how many of the fans of the original books have seen only a small sampling of the movies, whether with the first of the six5 James Bonds or the later incarnations.

Sean Connery

The First (Movie) James

The Holmes stories, of course, have long held the status of "period" pieces from the Victorian era. But because today's readers weren't around to amuse the Dear Old Queen, they rarely notice any errors or anachronisms in Sir Arthur's narratives. Technology and lifestyles differed considerably more back then than today and so ironically the original stories have an immediacy which enhances their believability.

On the other hand the modus vivendi depicted in the Bond novels have not changed all that much. After all, Bond drove around in cars, flew in jet airliners, and had modern conveniences like refrigerators and electric heating. So today's readers will find the trappings of the literary Bond familiar and the general settings believable.

But the Bond stories were products of the 1950's and early 1960's and the technology - including Bond's electronic gadgetry - is far more limited than today or even in the early motion pictures. For instance in the movie Goldfinger Bond is almost sliced in half by a laser beam. In the novel it's a mundane ordinary buzzsaw. So the fans of the cinematic Bond often find the original books rather slow and dated.

But there is one area that both Sir Arthur and Ian noticeably fall short. And that's their difficulties with the English language.

Ha? (To quote Shakespeare.) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Ian Fleming had difficulties with English?

Indeed they did.

Well, we'd really like to know how you came to that conclusion.

I thought you would as Captain Mephisto said to Sydney Brand. It's very simple really.

Of course, when we mean English we mean True English in the Original Sense. Not the poor rendering of the magnificent language which has now deteriorated to what can only be described as a base mumbling of the lowing herd.

Instead the English we refer to is the venerable language of the time when all speakers were united into one happy international family. Yes, we mean the English of the Georgian era.

You see, in England following the Four Georges the language underwent some major changes particularly in pronunciation that resulted in the "English accent" of today. Americans - and this is acknowledged even by British linguists - speak a more traditional English than their Monarchical cousins.

And so when we mean Sir Arthur and Ian had problems with English, we mean problems with venerable, proper, and correct English - in other words, the true English:


But what, you ask, is the beef? Is this worse than Dick Van Dyke's horrible attempt at "speaking British" in Mary Poppins?

Actually yes. The result of this linguistic struggle was that both Sir Arthur and Ian had trouble crafting convincing American characters6. The first Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet, has an American interlude which has been likened to Bret Harte writing at his worst7, and Sir Arthur's portrayal of the Mormons is not only politically incorrect but socially and historically inaccurate to the point of laughability8. Then in the last (and worst) Sherlock novel, The Valley of Fear, there is also a sub-story set in America and - hard to believe - it's worse than the one in Scarlet.

Even in the stories set in England, Sir Arthur had trouble slipping in Americans, whom he thought sported nicknames like "Abe" and "Birdy" and had some psychological compulsion to speak nothing but slang. One of the least convincing passages in the Sherlockian stories is from "His Last Bow".

Set prior to World War I and with Holmes now in his sixties, the detective has gone undercover to rout out a German spy. Holmes is posing as an Irish-American double agent, and (as Vincent Starrett put it in The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes), he seems to have learned his American slang all at one sitting and was determined not to omit a single word.

"Well?" asked Von Bork eagerly, running forward to meet his visitor.

For answer the man waved a small brown-paper parcel triumphantly above his head.

"You can give me the glad hand tonight, mister," he cried. "I'm bringin' home the bacon at last."

The American held the small parcel in his hand, but made no motion to give it up.

"What about the dough?" he asked.

"The what?"

"The boodle. The reward. The five hundred pounds. The gunner turned durned nasty at the last, and I had to square him with an extra hundred dollars or it would have been nitsky for you and me. 'Nothin' doin'!' says he, and he meant it too, but the last hundred did it. It's cost me two hundred pounds from first to last, so it isn't likely I'd give it up without gettin' my wad."

World War I era British readers may have found nothing amiss with Holmes's undercover work. Most Americans, though, will smile at Sherlock's rather naive attempt at "talking American9".

It's no coincidence that Sir Arthur and Ian included Americans in their stories. Both men had visited the United States and in general they liked the people they met. In their visits they naturally picked up a bit of the lingo. But a little knowledge, they say, is a dangerous thing. So slip-ups were inevitable.

Ian, though, had an advantage not open to Sir Arthur. When the books were published in the United States, the publishers - MacMillan, Viking, and the New American Library - gave the books goings over by American editors. Although you might find some British spellings ("kerb" for "curb" as in Goldfinger), there were welcome adaptations for the American readers where it was thought that the original British might hinder comprehension.

Naturally some differences are simply those between American and British patois. In The Man With the Golden Gun - the last "canonical" novel by Ian - Bond's boss, Admiral (ret.) Sir Miles Messervy (known, of course, as M.) sends Bond on a mission to "eliminate" an assassin named Francisco "Pistols" Scaramanga. Scaramanga works mostly for Fidel Castro and also hires out as a hit man for whoever can afford his rather stiff fees.

Of course like many gangsters Scaramanga invests in legitimate businesses and currently is developing a resort, the Thunderbird Hotel, on the west coast of Jamaica. But he's having trouble wrangling funding to finish the project and so has arranged a conference to discuss the matter with the primary stockholders - all of whom are big time gangsters. One is even a capo Mafiosi and another a high level agent of the Soviet secret police, the KGB10.

By intercepting a message intended for Scaramanga, Bond traces him to 3½ Love Lane, an address in the Jamaican township of Savanna la Mar. Ostensibly a local cafe, it really was - as Mary Goodnight11 told Bond - "a famous disorderly house". So Bond makes his way to 3½ and meets Scaramanga (who was a good customer).

Bond represents himself as Mark Hazard, a free lance security worker for a company called Transworld Consortium12. Scaramanga, knowing that his business partners are not the most congenial of men, hires Bond - or rather Mark - as a personal assistant and bodyguard.

When Bond gets to the resort he finds that indeed much of the hotel is unfinished. Only the lobby, kitchen, and one wing are completed. But Scaramanga has temporary employees working to make the place presentable, and - offering the first opportunity for the American editors to intervene - Bond sees some of them were "hoovering" the carpets.

Now a "hoover" is the common British word for what Americans call a vacuum cleaner. "Hoovering" is what you do with the hoover. So in the American edition, the workers are "vacuuming" the rugs.

This, of course, is not really an error - just a difference in dialect. The word, though, is so foreign to Americans that the correction was definitely needed.

On the other hand when Bond and Scaramanga sat down to talk at 3½ Love Lane, we find that some of Ian's Americanisms may not be exactly in error, but he certainly seems to have his decades mixed up.

After Scaramanga offers Bond the job as personal assistant, they stand up to leave. Scaramanga then says to Bond.

But don't forget one thing, mister whoosis. I rile mighty easy. Get me?

Now no American calls anyone "mister whoosis". You might find the address in stories, magazine articles, and other writings in the early decades of the 20th century. But today you won't even find old timers who have heard the name used in real conversations.

Here we also find that Ian sometimes knew an American expression but didn't quite get what it meant. When Scaramanga and Bond sit down, Bond leans back, crosses his ankle over his knee, and grasping his ankle, assumes the "clubman's position".

But Scaramanga prefers a pose suitable for a "careful and professional" gunman. Before sitting down he picks up his chair and twirls it around so the back of the chair is front of him. He then sits - as Ian wrote - "bass-ackwards".

Now the word "bass-ackwards" is indeed an Americanism. But according to the dictionary - yes, the word's in the dictionary - it means "in a backward or inept way". It has nothing to do with posture and certainly doesn't mean sitting backwards in a chair with your heinie jutting out. So in deference to the Americans - who would wonder about Ian's unusual construction - the American editors changed the word to "ass-backwards13".

Another quasi-not-quite-American-expression is in a couple of places where Scaramanga gives Bond some information or instructions. After telling Bond what he wants done, Scaramanga rhetorically asks "Got the photo?"

Of course, no American says "Got the photo?" So the obliging editors again bowed to the common usage writing "Got the picture?"

One of the major scenes in the novel is the business meeting with Scaramanga and the hoods where among other things, Scaramanga shoots one of the stockholders who wouldn't agree with his plan for refinancing the hotel. In his capacity as Scaramanga's personal assistant, Bond stands guard outside the locked door. Naturally he eavesdrops on the session using a champagne glass held to his ear and placed against the door14.

As the meeting progresses, a point of contention arises where Mr. Gengerella - who's the capo Mafiosi - accuses Mr. Hendricks (from The Hague - Den Haag - in the Netherlands) of being a Soviet agent (which he is15). Mr. Gengerella angrily mentions how the Soviets had been shipping missiles16 to Cuba to "fire against my homeland".

"Homeland" - cabinet departments notwithstanding - was not and still is not a term used to any degree in the United States. So the American editors decided to have Mr. Gengerella say the missiles in Cuba were intended to "fire against my country."

We are also treated to another example of Ian slipping back to near archaic usage. During the meeting of Scaramanga and the gangsters, Scaramanga smirkingly reassures the guys he'll guarantee that his personal assistant won't talk about anything he may have learned. Far from collecting his promised $1000 fee, "Mark Hazard" will end up as a tidbit for the crocodiles in the swamp at the back of the hotel.

Bond was listening through the door and his American friend and CIA agent Felix Leiter was recording the meeting on tape. Afterwards Felix tells Bond to be careful and adds jokingly:

We don't want to have to read that obituary17 of yours in the Times again. All that !18 about what a splendid fellow you are nearly made me throw up when I saw it printed in the American blatz.

First of all you'll be hard pressed to find any American that says someone - no matter how admired - is "a splendid fellow".

But blatz? What the heck is that?

Again we're seeing that Felix - or Ian - seems stuck in the 1920's. "Blatz" was indeed an early 20th century American slang expression for "newspaper". But no one uses the word anymore and truth to tell very few ever did even then. So Felix's jeers were recast in the American edition as:

All that ! about what a great guy you are nearly made me throw up when I saw it picked up in our papers.

Yet another example of Ian being transported back to Auld Lang Syne is the references to "The Purple Gang". When Scaramanga mentions that Sam Binion - one of the Thunderbird stock holders - is from Detroit, Bond asks "The Purple Gang?"

Scaramanga stops in mid-stride and says "These are all respectable guys, mister whoosis." (There's that "mister whoosis" stuff again.)

Then in the Goldfinger chapter titled "Hoods Congress" one of the attendees is Helmut Springer from - yes - "The Purple Gang" of Detroit19. And in Diamonds Are Forever M. writes a memo to Bond that the (fictitious) Las Vegas Spangled Mob - which is smuggling the diamonds - has top ranking among American mobs along with the Purple Gang.

The point is the Purple Gang didn't exist anymore. Sure, it was the name given to a group of Jewish mobsters that operated out of, yes, Detroit. But the gang arose around 1910 and finally fizzled out around 1930 although there were some still around in the 1940's.

But Diamonds Are Forever, the fourth Bond novel, is set around 1956. The action in Goldfinger is in 1959 - we learn that Goldfinger was born in 1917 and is 42 years old - and from references to the time of the year when Bond returns to London, comments about Hurricane Flora (late 1963), and subsequent plot details20, it's clear that The Man With the Golden Gun occurs in early 1964. So with his repeated references to the Purple Gang, Ian has the characters dealing with a gang that hadn't existed for years.

It wasn't just American solecisms or chronologies that would bedevil Ian's otherwise taut prose. Sometimes his ideas about American culture would produce naive and unintentionally humorous scenes.

For instance, Ian liked to say that Americans speak largely in monosyllables or at most two. As he elaborated in the short story "For Your Eyes Only" (reprinted in its namesake book):

You can get far in North America with laconic grunts. "Huh," "hun," and "hi!" in their various modulations, together with "sure," "guess so," "that so?" and "nuts!" will meet almost any contingency.

In the story, Bond tries to speak like an American - and like Sherlock doesn't really quite make it. Posing as a tourist in Vermont, a local man sees him with a rifle case.

"Going huntin', mister?" the man asks (Americans also alway drop final "g's").

Bond replies, "Hun."

The man adds, "Man got a fine beaver over by Highlgate Springs Saturday".

Bond replies "That so?"

It is true that an American might reply "That so?" in response to a comment as Bond did. But in the 4.5 billion year history of the Earth no one - American, Martian, or otherwise - has ever responded to a "yes-or-no" question by saying "Hun21." Also Ian didn't seem to realize that beavers 1) are not really trophy animals and 2) are almost always trapped, not hunted with rifles.

Ian also runs into trouble describing Americans' eating habits. No matter how haut the cuisine he feels they have to have a helping of hamburgers and French fries at some point in the meal. In the novel Live and Let Die22, Bond arrives at New York's St. Regis Hotel. Felix Leiter is waiting, having already ordered dinner - "American cooking at its rare best" - which includes "flat beef Hamburgers23, medium-rare, from the charcoal grill", and "French-fried potatoes".

That is, James and Felix eat hamburgers and French fries - in the same meal where they are also served soft-shell crabs and Liebfraumilch wine.

But the one novel that provides particularly fertile ground for finding Ian's oddball Americanisms and customs is Diamonds Are Forever. Here a small time smuggler named Peter Franks is arrested and Bond assumes his identity to infiltrate the gang of international diamond thieves.

Bond's contact for the gang is Tiffany Case, the novel's Bond girl (played by Jill St. John in the movie). They agree Bond will smuggle a shipment of diamonds to America hidden inside some golf balls. So she and Bond fly to New York - on the same plane but pretending they don't know each other - with one entire chapter devoted to Bond's flight from England to New York during which absolutely nothing happens24.

In Diamonds Are Forever, we are also treated to another strange American meal - and also Ian's idea of a typical American roadside restaurant. When Felix and Bond are on their way to Saratoga (riding in Felix's "Studillac" - a Studebaker with at Cadillac engine25), Bond and Felix stop for lunch at a

Chicken in the Basket, a log-built Frontier-style road-house26 with standard equipment - a tall counter covered with the best-known proprietary brands of chocolates and candies, cigarettes, cigars, magazines and paperbacks, a juke box27 blazing with chromium and coloured lights that looked like something out of science fiction, a dozen or more polished pine tables in the centre of the raftered room and as many low booths along the walls, a menu featuring fried chicken and "fresh mountain trout", which had spent months in some distant deep-freeze, and a variety of short-order dishes, and a couple of waitresses who couldn't care less.

Although it's nearly noon, Felix and Bond order scrambled eggs and sausages and hot buttered rye toast - not necessarily a common lunch for Americans but not impossible. And Ian concedes that at least the food was good - as were their beverages. They finished up their meal with iced-coffee - not the most popular drink in America, but certainly not unusual - and which was preceded by "Millers Highlife [sic] beer28".

Ha? (Again Shakespeare.) Scrambled eggs, buttered toast, sausage, ....

..... and beer?


Knowing this repast wouldn't fly with American palates, the US editors dropped the "Millers Highlife beer" and kept the "iced coffee".

But it's in Diamonds that we encounter some of the stranger expressions attributed to Americans. These seem to come largely from Ian's word crafting rather than any actual conversations with his American friends.

Later in the novel Bond is captured by Seraffimo Spang - the Las Vegas gangster who likes dressing up in cowboy duds and spending weekends in an old ghost town.

Remember Bond has been posing as a smuggler named Peter Franks who is actually in jail in England (in the movie, Franks was killed). But then Bond is taken captive and brought to the ghost town by two thugs. He tried to break free and ends up beating them both in a detailed and prolonged fight. But although Bond won the battle he had not yet won the war as he finds himself in the presence of Seraffimo, Tiffany, and two sadistic killers, Wint and Kid.

Bond tries to talk his way out of his predicament, believing everyone still thinks he is the English smuggler. But Seraffimo sneers that Bond's a bit behind the times. He reads aloud a telegram sent by his brother who runs the smuggling ring from London:

"Reliably informed Peter Franks held by police on unspecified charge. Endeavour at all costs hold substitute carrier. Ascertain if operations endangered. Eliminate him and report."

Seraffimo then looks at Bond and says, "Well, Mister Whosis29, this looks like a good year for something horrible to happen to you."

Ian really did like to have bad guys call good guys "Mister Whosis" which regardless of its repetition in other Bond novels (it's also used by one of the gangsters in Goldfinger) always falls rather falsely on American ears. And by adding "This looks like a good year for something horrible to happen to you", he really leaves the American readers scratching their heads. Sure, it makes some sense but it's not an expression they've ever heard before, and no American would say it.

Fortunately again the Yankee editors come to the rescue. Instead of calling Bond "Mr. Whosis" and talking about what a good year it is, Seraffimo says:

Well, mister, this looks like you're down for a little elimination.

Far more believable

Finally it's also in Diamonds Are Forever that we have one of Ian's most perplexing Americanisms. In New York Bond has to turn the diamonds over to the crooks. From the airport he's driven to the office of a mob-middleman with severe kyphosis named "Shady" Tree (again Ian has to give us a typical "American Criminal" name).

After Bond comes in he watches Shady down a glass of milk. Shady then looks up as if inviting comment.

"Ulcers?" Bond asks sympathetically.

"Who spoke to you?" Shady snaps.

Now it's possible that an American would say this although "Who spoke to you?" would be more typical for someone who interrupted a conversation with unsolicited advice. The American editors, clearly thinking that Ian didn't quite get it right, changed Shady's retort to "What's it to you?" - a little more natural sounding to American ears.

But after getting his instructions to get his pay ($5000) by going to Saratoga and betting on a crooked horse race, Bond leaves Shady's office. Walking along the sidewalk, he senses he's being followed. So he pauses at a store window and sneaks a look around. He sees no one.

Suddenly he's grabbed by the arm - instead of a hand the man has a steel hook. Then Bond hears the terse words, "All right, Limey. Take it easy unless you want lead for lunch".

But when Bond responds to the would-be assailant by swiveling and "bending sideways and bringing his left fist round in a flailing blow, low down", his fist smacks into the hand of his would-be captor. Of course, it's his friend Felix Leiter30.

"No good, James," Felix laughs, "The angels have got you."

The angels have got you?

What the ! does that mean?

Saying the "angels have got" someone is not unknown. But it means the individual so referenced has "made the final journey towards that Stygian shore31". The phrase is similar to what Secretary of State Edwin Stanton at 7:22 a.m. on April 15, 1865.

But as Felix uses the phrase it means absolutely nothing and it makes no sense. So finding yet another Flemingesque faux-Americanism, the blue-pencilers across the Atlantic changed Felix's words to:

Not so good, James. You must be getting old.

Which is what an American would say - at least if he was speaking

Real English

... which as we said is:


It should not be believed that this essay - brief though it is - has been intended to detract from Ian's many accomplishments. Heaven forfend! In his time Ian Fleming was one of the most popular novelists of the English speaking world, and if you count to where his works led, he's one of the most successful authors of all time. So a few faux pas Americaniques are of small moment.


Ian Fleming: The Man Behind James Bond, Andrew Lycett, Turner Publishing, 1996.

The Seven Percent Solution, Nicol Williamson (Actor), Alan Arkin (Actor), Robert Duvall (Actor), Vanessa Redgrave (Actor), Joel Grey (Actor), Nicholas Meyer (Writer, Novel and Screenplay), Herbert Ross (Producer and Director), 1976, Internet Movie Data Base.

The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, Vincent Starrett, Macmillan Company, 1933, (Revised, Pinnacle, 1975).

The Giant Rat of Sumatra, Richard Boyer, Warner, 1976.

The Case of the Philosophers' Ring, Randall Collins, Crown Publications, 1978.

"How Americans Preserved British English", Christine Ro, BBC Culture, February 8, 2018.

"His Last Bow", Arthur Conan Doyle, His Last Bow, John Murray, 1922.

Basil Rathbone, Internet Movie Data Base.

The Man With The Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, Jonathan Cape, 1965.

The Man With The Golden Gun, Ian Fleming, New American Library, 1965.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

"The Purple Gang", Encyclopedia Of Detroit, Detroit Historical Society.

The Purple Gang: Organized Crime in Detroit, 1910-1945, Paul Kavieff, Barricade Books, 2000.

"James Bond Timeline", All Time Lines.

Casino Royale, Ian Fleming, Jonathan Cape, 1953.

Casino Royale, Ian Fleming, Macmillan, 1953.

Live and Let Die, Ian Fleming, Jonathan Cape, 1954.

Live and Let Die, Ian Fleming, New American Library, 1954.

Moonraker, Ian Fleming, Jonathan Cape, 1955.

Moonraker, Ian Fleming, Macmillan, 1955.

Diamonds Are Forever, Ian Fleming, Jonathan Cape, 1956.

Diamonds Are Forever, Ian Fleming, Macmillan, 1956.

"Studillac", Fleming's Bond, May 5, 2014.

"Bill Frick Motors", Kustorama

For Your Eyes Only, Ian Fleming, Jonathan Cape, 1960.

For Your Eyes Only, Ian Fleming, Viking, 1960.

Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, Jonathan Cape, 1959.

Goldfinger, Ian Fleming, Macmillan, 1956.

The Comedy of Terrors, Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Joyce Jameson (Actor), Boris Karloff (Actor), Basil Rathbone (Actor), Joe E. Brown (Actor), Jacques Tourneur (Director), Richard Matheson (Writer), Samuel Arkoff (Producer), James Nicholson (Producer), 1963, Internet Movie Data Base.