In the 1940's, a young stand-up comedian going by the stage name of Redd Foxx began appearing in what might now be called clubs purveying to gentlemen's interests. Between the ladies'- ah - dance performances, Redd would do his comedy routines. Redd started off in Chicago, but later relocated to California.
Redd's act was too good not to be noticed by the mainstream entertainers and producers. It was a slow path the fame and fortune, and by the 1970's, there were still a lot of Americans who didn't know who Redd was. Then in 1972, Redd was offered the starring role in an American version of the British comedy "Steptoe and Son". Suddenly Redd was a household word. Not bad for a poor kid from St. Louis who had been born in 1922 as John Elroy - yes - Sanford.
For a bit more about - in CooperToons' opinion - one of the best comedians ever, just click here.